Sonatina no.1 op.137

Schubert wrote the sonatinas in the spring of 1816 when he was 19 years old. He himself always called these pieces Sonatas but because of the printhouse 'Diabelli' who printed his pieces, posthumous, the pieces went on with the name sonatina for the major public.

The sonatina consists of three movements, in the classical Fast-slow-fast structure, also the harmonic structure is classic, starting with the first in the Tonic, the second movement in the Dominant and the third movement back to the Tonic, of D major.

The first movement is an Allegro molto, written in Alla-breve. What stands out in this piece is the way he used of the melodies. It is written mostly in unison or in a canonic way. Making the conversation between the two instruments highly intertwined. The melodies get passed upon each other from one instrument to the other.

The second movement is written in an Andante where the piano introduces the melody. It gets repeated by the violin. It is again in a simple sonata form with 2 main melodies with a dramatic middle part. This type of Dramatism is typical for Schubert and the listener can recognize that it is hinting towards the fourth Symphony that he wrote in the same year. In the end, the A-section comes back. In this part, the violin plays the accompaniment, unlike the first A-section, which gives a different flow to the movement. This makes the ending more gradual.

The third movement is a Rondo-form. Unlike the first and second movement, this movement has a constant mood of happiness and does not have the unison parts as in the other movements. The theme is repeating often, which is typical for a rondo. This type of Rondo includes 'Beethovian' elements (the first sonata Op.12 no.1).

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